Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Various Forms of Media

It has also been said that multimedia differs and excels from other media forms such as video, newspapers, and books because it offers flexibility along with interactive capabilities. Are there favorite forms of media that stand above the rest for various reasons?


Anonymous said...

I believe there are a lot of multimedia favorites that stand out above the rest because I think it is true that videos, newspapers, and books aren’t flexible around our schedules. Books for example, you have to make sure you can get to the library on time, and get books around the scheduled time, and they are not open every day of the week. Yes, you can still get books but only if you plan to pay for them. Then, you can go to Barnes and Noble for them, but a lot of times you will run into trouble there because they are not always in stock! Newspapers will always cost money, and will not always be at your house the time you need them, or you have to run to the store and get them. Videos are another multimedia that you find yourself buying or looking for at the library in order to satisfy your needs. The favorite forms like web sites have become a very popular multimedia tool that stands out above the rest. Websites, are accessed easy, you only have to pay your monthly bill, or use it for free at the school. No more driving around looking for a book or paying out of pocket change for things, and if you know how to search right you can find some very valuable information that can exceed to hundreds of thousands.

John said...

I agree that with our fast paced life it's hard for me personally to keep up with news, or interests that I like; however with the advancement of PDA's, Phones, and iPods, media that we had to sit down at home to read is now on the go. Websites can be downloaded to our phones or PDA's that can be instantly updated with the latest news and information. Podcasts are the newest form of multimedia. This allows anyone to present their view of things in both audio and video form which can be downloaded to an iPod, Zume, or any other mobile device. During a commute you can listen to CNN's top stories, catch up on the latest music, and hear a joke or two before you get to your destination. WiFi devices are increasing in popularity, and places to get WiFi are popping up all over the place. Soon obtaining media mobility for free is going to be everywhere you can go.

B_Boyce said...

I agree that multimedia excells in front of other media forms (books and newspapers). Data, news and facts are easily obtained and thrown at you at a fast paced rate. It's hard to sit down and read a book or paper when you are so used to getting multiple sourced and info at the touch of a fingertip. Its convenient, fast, cost effective, and more fun. In this modern age who has the time to sit back and go to the library to research a paper or presentation. If I'm a normal student i leave everything to the last minute the night before its due. Thats where the magic of multimedia comes to play. With a few clicks of the mouse I can access movies, research documents, encyclopedias, statistics, etc. Multimedia is able to bring all the needed materials together at once. And thanks to multimedia data can be sent anywhere, anytime, allowing me to get full credit for my geography paper that is due by 11:59 pm tonight. Which means I better get typing.

apprentice said...

b-boyce said.... It's hard to sit down and read a book or paper when you are so used to getting multiple sourced and info at the touch of a fingertip. Its convenient, fast, cost effective, and more fun. In this modern age who has the time....

I think this is key - that information is out there, and it is growing exponentially. Today’s learners must adapt with it. But in many ways all the information can bury us if we are not careful. One adaptation that must be made is the method and style of learning. For the adult learner, there is so much data out there that in order for it to be of value to the learner it must be relevant, couple that with the fact that the bulk of data is living – meaning that it is constantly changing, and it soon becomes obvious that we need to learn to scan and evaluate with a critical eye. Tools such as wiki’s on the web have a great influence yet many educational institutions will not accept them as sources with merit, yet one favorite of mine is Wikipedia web site. I go there quite frequently to learn about something, and it saves me a trip to the library or hours looking through card files and reviewing references for a better source.

Alisha Weston said...

Obviously I am using an internet website to finish a homework assignment. Internet is everywhere and can be reached at a click of a mouse or keypad. People can get great and various sources of information both the bad, good, and the ugly- there isn’t that much security but the internet is widely used for several things. But even the ways to reach the internet is expanded to other forms of information and connections- Cell phones with texting, internet access, etc., GPS for area information instead of just maps. Electronics for music, videos, and even books that are not bound with layers and layers of heavy papers. Some of the classes that I appreciate the most are those that lend us CD to borrow instead of heavy paper weight books that break our backs and make us hunchbacks. So yes, technology is expanding and fast. But to keep archives and paper trials with literal merit and other scholarly sources of information books and newspapers are necessary. Videos are being upgraded and all things are great and beautiful with the new era of technology.

Darrell said...

Yes - many, many various forms of media! I am amazed at the amount of media available to us today in the form of media options. So many different software packages - that are not even out there for the common person - unless they know how to find them on a search of the web. And once you get the result of a search - you just dont know what to download until you do some research and I say there are a lot of choices for us today in this world.

In the forms of audio and video alone there are multitudes of choices of how you can make your website or other document look or perform.

I just can't think how much can be created by so many imaginative people that are involved with design graphics and mechanical engineering. They really do go together real well. As you all know drafting programs have included both audio and video and animation to their software. If they had not done that many individuals would find ways to move their completed projects to an animation program. I like to learn about the different - various - diverse ways to make things work. I enjoyed learning about the many different software packages - we learned about even if it was just a touch of each! It was very enjoyable for me even with the working full time and completing three other projects or courses the same semester.

The Rees' said...

For me i think that multimedia is a great way to share information. I like the fact that you can put videos and music withe the info to make it more interesting. I personally don't like reading a lot of information and think that pictures, movies, music and other multimedia are more affective than regular text. Newspapers are kinda boring. For the most part people dont have the time to sit down and go through a newspaper. Poeple are usually busy and like their info fast. That want info that is readily available and can be given to them on the go when they need it. Multimedia is one of the best ways to accomplish this. I think that it is great to be alive at this time and to how so much technology that allows us to be educated and get information fast. This class has taught me alot about the devices and programs that are available to help me in my career. Tucker

mmiller said...

I agree that our life style here is too fast pace. It is a good thing we have this modern technology that involve our lives.I could not keep up using all kinds of technology that we have in this country. Face-to-face business transactions are no longer necessary because we can buy almost anything you need by computer, phone, or fax. To begin with, multimedia played the role in our lives everyday.Working at home becomes more common and cost effecient.So, it is clear that multimedia have made our lives easier than 30 years ago. It is up to us to find the solutions to the problems that we our trying to solve.That is the reason I go to school so I can understand and learn more valuable in different ways. I like to learn different things and this class help me a lot such as, html, animations, bryce and how to present yourself with confident in front of the class. This class is worth it.I just bought one textbook for under $20.00 and all the rest were free. I just had to do a little bit of researched on internet.I enjoyed working my website using notepad.Honestly, I enjoyed the class DGET 4400 of 2009. Besides, I need to exercise my brain, so that I don't end up having Alzheimer disease.I thought I have learned a lot for this class. This class is better than my math class. Therefore, I am so grateful to take this class and I just want to say Thank You Karl.Maybe someday I will use my experience from this class to open my own website business.